The activities of the trust are supported by the voluntary efforts of a team of dedicated people who have vast experience of forest area management and exposure to tribal life system and their livelihood .The field experience of intricacies of merits and demerits of tribal schemes . The trust is supported by Trust members who have been erstwhile forest department controlling/executive and non-executive personnel


Nivedita Foundation

Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world’s,
hardest places as a sign of God’s unconditional love.

Dr.Manoj Kumar Sarkar, IFS, Add.Principal Cheif Consurvator of Forests(Rtd)


Dr.Aruna Basu Sarcar, IFS, Principal Cheif Consurvator of Forests (Rtd)

Chairperson & Managing Trustee
+91 90254 00648

Dr.A.Murugan, M.sc., Ph.D

+91 8220211770


Mr.J. Elangovan,

Join Secretary
+91 94421 21322

Mrs.P. Uma Devi

+91 9941335130

Mr. S.Amanullah

Honorary Director


Nivedita Foundation NGO & Income Tax Details.

Vision and Mission:


Realisation of tribal rights and upward movement so that they remain protected and honoured in a society with dignity, justice and equity for all.


  1. Promote the well being of the tribal lives so that they can lead a healthy, dignified and secure lives.
  2. To enable to the tribal population, realise their own rights and discover their potential for change and its execution.

Ideals and values

Our values:

Our values and ideals are predominantly inspired by Sister Nivedita, also known as Margaret Elizabeth Noble who was an Irish teacher, author, social activist, school founder and disciple of Swami Vivekananda.In spite of being an Irish lady, she came all the way to India in 1898, to help the poor and needy and her main focus remained in service to mankind with no biasedness to any religion. Her immense service to the mankind at the time of the epidemic plague in Calcutta in the year 1899 was her ultimate show of sacrifice and humane-ness. She was closely associated with the Ramakrishna mission and the Holy Mother, Sarada Devi. She also started a girls schools at Bagbazar , Kolkata for the upliftment of poor and young girls. She died in Darjeeling where her epitaph reads, “Here lies Sister Nivedita who gave her all to India”.

Read what Rabindranath Tagore has to say for her:

“…the love that Nivedita had for India was the truest of the true, not just a passing fancy. This love did not try to see the Indian scriptures validated in each action of the Indian people. Rather, it tried to penetrate all external layers to reach the innermost core of persons and to love that core. That is why she was not pained to see the extreme dereliction of India. All that was missing and inadequate in India simply aroused her love, not her censure or disrespect.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore

Thus, Sister Nivedita set an example of how, language, nationalism, personal beliefs, religion, etc did not matter when it came to being kind to fellow Humans. The Nivedita Foundation is thus predominantly based on uniting all people as a positively secular one for the upliftment of all fellow humans especially tribal population.

The Team:

The core team of Nivedita Foundation consists of 5 members who do the initial planning while its extended family volunteers help in execution at the field level. The finances of the Nivedita Foundation NGO are based on the donations made by different individuals and partners from time to time.